Friday, January 22, 2010

Xd Card H Or M What's The Difference Between The 2gb XD H And 2gb XD Cards?

What's the difference between the 2gb XD H and 2gb XD cards? - xd card h or m

H-charts do not "offer more features? Could I have an H card in my new Fuji FinePix Z3 camera, no additional capalities?
And I bought an organization, xD-h, I return it?


  1. H cards are supposed to be faster, but the difference is negligible. It is possible that the Z3 is running with the same speed, regardless of card you are using.

    I do not think you should return.

  2. Card Type H, the first time in November 2005 [2], offers more data rates (theoretically up to 3x faster). Olympus xD Type H says his impact free "Photo Special", when used in some Olympus cameras come if these features of the software are by nature not dependent on the hardware. The H cards are new models needed to capture video at high speed (640x480x30) to.

    Not revert to its non-H xD cards.
