Friday, January 29, 2010

Disproving Exorcism Do You Believe That Exorcism Exists?

Do you believe that exorcism exists? - disproving exorcism

Do you believe in exorcism. If so, why? There is no scientific evidence to dispute the possession or exorcism? Or any other scientific evidence is real?


  1. Exorcism is the practice of expulsion of demons or other evil spiritual entities from a person or body that is supposed to have. The practice is very old and part of the belief system of many countries.

    The person who is known as the exorcism Exorcist, often a member of the clergy or a single thought given to the joy of special powers or abilities. The Exorcist May use prayers and religious material, such as forms of play, gestures, signs, symbols, amulets, etc.. The exorcist often asks God, Jesus, to intervene and / or angels and archangels with the exorcism more.

    In general, people have are not considered evil in itself, nor the sole responsibility for their actions. For this reason, most noted practitioners of exorcism as a remedy than as a punishment. Rituals in general, tend to take it into account that no violence be possessed appropriate only if there is a potential for violence.

  2. Yes, that is used in many cultures exorcism to drive out demons, ghosts, spirits and spiritual energies required. Exorcism is the thought above all, obsessed with the ritual of expelling the devil and his demons. Exorcism is mainly performed in cases of possession, as opposed to intellectual property.
    In many Eastern religions, ghosts and spirits, many evils have been indicted and distributed by the population.
    The ritual is used in shamanism, the shaman from the runway while trying to discover the cause of the victim. Often the cause, but when connected to a dead person. The shaman is said that the journey deep into the earth to tell his opinion. Then known cure for the suffering of victims of May or even bring the soul to heal.
    Some, including the occult and witches do not believe that evil spirits to enter, but sometimes overlap and the bodies of people. The purpose of this kind of exorcism for the liberation of the mind. Then the mind is free to travel or place of restra a new life. Witches are also called to exorcise the ghosts and other forms of psychic energy that these unwanted problems.
    Exorcisms mind as the healing of physical ailments and personal solutions to other problems are common in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, East, and among tribal cultures.

  3. Mommy to an Angel 2.7.09-3.25.09February 3, 2010 at 4:46 AM

    I do not know anything about scientific evidence, but in my opinion, I think. I think it is real, but very rarely. You do not really hear too much need to perform exorcism, every day, you know? But I think the real and very scary!

  4. Possessions are real, but usually not demons, but also for the rebellious spirits and bodies, which hold for the population are.
