Friday, February 12, 2010

Do Doctors Cut The Colon Colon Cancer And The Liver...??

Colon cancer and the liver...?? - do doctors cut the colon

My aunt has cancer, it was found that a little too late and has spread to the liver. The liver can regenerate, so I just want to know why they cut the wrong part of the liver and leave the rest to regenerate? It may not be a good idea, because the cancer cells may have around the veins and bile ducts, pipes developed .. But I asked myself. Surgeons doing or considering it? (I hate doctors think that sometimes expected to die this way of you and refuse to do) something else.


  1. A person can very well with only half of the liver. So you do not remove the cancer of the liver is the problem. However, tumor cells already in the blood, and when placed in the liver, probably in many other organs (lymph nodes, for example). We see that the tumor cells without a microscope at least a few thousand dollars, so that no one can remove all the malignant cells.
    Cut the liver is a part of a process very long and complicated and people are surviving cancer rarely. Thus, only a few candidates for hepatectomy. But it has happened, and the doctors are very common.
    You say that your stomach is swollen. If you are with a big belly now a bloated abdomen as ascites, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. It is very common in the stomachTerminal cancer and how the disease is advanced.
    I regret to say that.
    Good luck,
    For more information about cancer on my blog:

  2. Ok .. I understand your position, and I am sorry about your aunt. Well, I'll take you straight and flat. Once U have a cancer that has spread to the liver, there is little hope. This is called metastasis. METS (or short). The liver can regenerate, but only if they are young and healthy, even then, is a difficult task. If you have brought the liver, spread throughout the system as the primary cancer (your aunts intestinal tumor / cancer). Mets in the liver is secondary (tumor / cancer). I'm sorry, but I have a company name. "After reaching the liver, ******". is
